What is motion control?

Motion control refers to components, systems, assemblies and software which are enabling motion in one or several dimensions. The products we offer include very fine resolution (< 100 [...]

How fast can a piezo actuator move?

As it is hard to define the maximum velocity of a piezo actuator, which is mostly dependant of the application, more common is to define the time it takes for an actuator to expand from resting [...]

How to measure piezoelectric effect?

The coupling factor k is a measure of the magnitude of the piezoelectric effect (not an efficiency factor!). It describes the ability of a piezoelectric material to convert electrical energy into [...]

Why is piezo material polarized?

A strong electric field of several kV/mm is applied to create an asymmetry in the previously unorganized ceramic compound. The electric field causes a reorientation of the spontaneous [...]

When to chose soft or hard PZT?

Soft piezo ceramic materials can be polarized fairly easily even at relatively low field strengths. The advantages of soft PZT materials are their large piezoelectric charge coefficient, moderate [...]

What is Curie temperature Tc?

At temperatures below the Curie temperature TC , the lattice structure of the PZT crystallites becomes distorted and asymmetric. This brings about the formation of dipoles and the rhombohedral [...]